About the Journal

The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology (IJEMS) is  the multidisciplinary journal which provides a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, and students in all areas of Management, Education, Humanities and Sociology, for publication on research achievements, perspectives and practical experiences.

Submit your paper for Volume 1, Issue 01, for Publication in the Journal of “The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology” (IJEMS). Within 90 working days, so every year it is published 6 times namely, December, February, April, June, August, October.

The multidisciplinary international journal of Management, Education, and Sociology, publishes high quality research papers in all fields. Journals that are interested in theoretical and practical research with an emphasis on topics in the focus areas above are highly recommended

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The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology (IJEMS) was founded by PDPI (Indonesian Research Lecturer Association) and published on December 6, 2021 in South Tangerang City, Indonesia, with the following vision, mission and goals:


To become a professional, consistent and integrity publication forum in the field of research and research-based scientific work to form a different and superior quality of academics, so as to be able to educate the international community  


  1. Improving the quality of academics in the field of research and publication so as to increase the benefits of research.
  2. Increase the productivity of academics in research published in national and international reputable scientific journals.
  3. Increasing international recognition in research through scientific activities that can have a positive impact on the civilization of the world community.
  4. Improving research, as a research habit and culture, through innovation through improving the quality of human resources, which are competitive.


  1. Improving the quality of lecturers in the field of research through science and technology innovation in increasing the nation's competitiveness.
  2. Increasing the productivity of Lecturers with applicable values, research results for the community through Community Service Activities.
  3. Improving the scientific culture of the community through research activities in the form of mentoring and activities for novice academics and junior lecturers.
  4. Improving the competence of science and technology inventions and innovations and increasing the nation's competitiveness.