Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): March - April : The International Journal of Education Management and Sosiology
This “The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology” (IJEMS) is the multidisciplinary journal which provides a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, and students in all areas of Management, Education, Humanities and Sociology, for publication on research achievements, perspectives and practical experiences.
The Role of Tourism Awareness Groups in increasing Tourist Visits in West Bandung Regency (Case Study at Ciburuy Tourism Object)
Abstract View: 114, PDF Download: 246 -
Analysis of Competitive Strategies in Micro Credit Marketing at BANK BTPN Tangerang Region
Abstract View: 134, PDF Download: 196 -
Implementation of Curriculum Development and Application at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Islah, Sukabumi Regency
Abstract View: 95, PDF Download: 130 -
Basic Concepts Of Considerations And Decision-Making Strategies In Educational Leadership
Abstract View: 190, PDF Download: 195 -
The Impact of Using Tiktok on Student Lifestyles Case Study at Indonesian Education University Bandung Cibiru Campus
Abstract View: 1116, PDF Download: 3347