Counseling and Education on the Dangers of Free Sex for Mental Health and Strengthening Adolescents in Cirebon Regency, West Java


  • Lina Sukanti Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Slamet Riyanto Tangerang Raya University, Indonesia
  • Sutarman Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Monita Rahayu Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Athar Ismail Muzakir Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia



Counseling Education, Dangers Free Sex, Strengthening Adolescents


The purpose of this research is to (1). Provide education and assistance to the community which includes counseling activities regarding the dangers of free sex for the younger generation (2). Providing services to the community includes consulting services, health services, career guidance, cooperative development services, and entrepreneurial development. This research method uses a qualitative approach, to describe the phenomenon of events in the research field. Data collection technique. Interviews with guidance participants, village officials, and people who are infected with the disease. Field observations to observe events that arise in the local community. Documentation studies in the form of archives in Setu Patok District, Cirebon Regency, and books that are the focus of community service research. Conclusion: Free sex behavior in adolescents because they do not understand sex education, and the rapid development of the era. Factors that cause free sex that can be known that pay attention to and avoid adolescent behavior. The impact of free sex on teenagers damages the future. Need to be given a good and correct understanding of free sex.


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Author Biographies

Lina Sukanti, Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia

Research, collaboration always publication

Slamet Riyanto, Tangerang Raya University, Indonesia

Research development and collaboration for publication

Sutarman, Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia

research and collaboration to accelerate lecturer careers

Monita Rahayu, Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia

Seriousness in Research and collaboration is very important

Muhammad Athar Ismail Muzakir, Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia

Research requires knowledge and collaboration so that it can be published


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How to Cite

Sukanti, L., Riyanto, S., Sutarman, Rahayu, M., & Athar Ismail Muzakir, M. (2023). Counseling and Education on the Dangers of Free Sex for Mental Health and Strengthening Adolescents in Cirebon Regency, West Java. The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology, 2(4), 174–181.

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